Much like robotic flybys, piloted flybys would limit themselves to small course-correction maneuvers after departing Earth. Robotic flyby spacecraft have no cause to return to Earth after passing their target or targets. Piloted flyby spacecraft, on the other hand, would swing past their target world or worlds on Sun-centered orbital paths that would intersect Earth, enabling their crews to return home.
The piloted flyby concept is usually attributed to Italian aeronautical engineer Gaetano Crocco, who in 1956 presented a paper describing a piloted Mars/Venus flyby. NASA-funded contractor work on piloted flybys began in 1962 with the Early Manned Planetary-Interplanetary Roundtrip Expeditions (EMPIRE) studies at NASA Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) in Huntsville, Alabama (see "More Information," below). EMPIRE also tasked its contractors with looking at piloted Mars and Venus orbiters.
Crocco and NASA MSFC targeted their first missions for 1971, a date chosen with an eye toward limiting the time and propulsive energy required to reach Mars. In that year, Mars would be close to the Sun as Earth, nearer the Sun and moving faster, passed it. Because Mars has an eccentric orbit, this Earth-Mars geometry recurs only every 15 years or so. An opportunity for an Earth-Mars transfer as favorable would not occur again until 1988.
The piloted flyby mission concept became increasingly attractive during 1964 and early 1965, when U.S. President Lyndon Baines Johnson made clear his vision of NASA's future after the Apollo Program. At that time, Apollo was expected to accomplish its first lunar landing during 1968.
Johnson wanted Apollo lunar exploration to continue after the first successful landing, but mainly he wanted to see astronauts working on board Earth-orbiting laboratories derived from the Apollo spacecraft and Saturn rockets developed for the Moon program. These laboratories would, it was hoped, provide low-cost tangible benefits to American taxpayers through research in the fields of medicine, manufacturing processes, Earth resources discovery, agricultural monitoring, and advanced technology development.
LBJ's vision of NASA's future made no mention of piloted Mars/Venus flybys based on Apollo's technological legacy. On the other hand, neither did it specifically forbid them.
A 15-month NASA MSFC in-house study begun in August 1963, shortly after EMPIRE ended, became, by its end, the first to examine the possibility of adapting Saturn rockets and Apollo spacecraft to piloted Mars and Venus flybys (see "More Information," below). Even before the NASA MSFC engineers completed their study in November 1964, NASA Headquarters and other NASA centers launched their own studies of Apollo-derived piloted flybys. The NASA Manned Spacecraft Center (MSC) in Houston, Texas, for example, completed an in-house study in February 1965.
NASA MSC, which managed the Apollo Command and Service Module (CSM) spacecraft, contracted with North American Aviation (NAA), the CSM prime contractor, for a seven-month piloted flyby study that began on 1 October 1964. MSC then tacked on a two-month extension to NAA's contract so that the company could focus on enhancement of piloted flyby spacecraft long-term reliability through use of in-flight maintenance. NAA briefed MSC management on the results of its study in Houston on 18 June 1965.
The NAA study was significant in the evolution of piloted flyby planning because it was the first conducted by a major manufacturer of prospective piloted flyby hardware. In addition to the CSM, NAA was responsible for other Apollo hardware that might be adapted to a piloted flyby mission; specifically the Spacecraft-Launch Adapter (SLA) and the Saturn V rocket S-II second stage.
A brief aside is justified at this point: EMPIRE, the NASA MSFC and NASA MSC in-house studies, and the NAA study took place against the backdrop of Project Gemini. The two-seater Gemini spacecraft, the advanced cousin of NASA's first piloted spacecraft, one-man Mercury, was conceived as a training and biomedical research tool; it would provide astronauts, engineers, and flight controllers with experience in rendezvous, docking, and spacewalks, and would enable NASA doctors to certify that astronaut bodies could withstand roughly two-week Apollo lunar landing flights.
In December 1961, NASA awarded McDonnell Aircraft Company, the Mercury prime contractor, the contract to build Gemini. Gemini I carried out a test flight without a crew a little more than two years later (8 April 1964). The first piloted Gemini, Gemini III, reached orbit with Gus Grissom and John Young on board on 23 March 1965. Project Gemini ended with its tenth piloted mission (Gemini XII) in November 1966.
Gemini served admirably as a bridge between Mercury and Apollo. Piloted flybys based on Apollo could, some felt, serve as a bridge between Apollo-derived Earth-orbiting space stations in the late 1960s/early 1970s and Mars/Venus orbiters and Mars landers in the late 1970s and 1980s.
The early piloted flyby studies also took place against a backdrop of Mariner IV, which left Earth atop an Atlas-Agena rocket on 28 November 1964, nearly two months after the NAA study for NASA MSC began. When NAA briefed MSC managers, Mariner IV's planned 15 July 1965 Mars flyby was still a month away.
Few today would argue that robot probes need humans in close proximity to be able to accomplish their missions, but in the first years of the Space Age, it was different. Most robot probes failed. Those that succeeded delivered low-quality (though often tantalizing) data because they included relatively crude instruments and returned data at an agonizingly slow rate (Mariner IV was expected to return data at 8.3 bits per second; at that rate, 20 black-and-white images of the surface of Mars recorded on tape during its flyby would need a month to play back to Earth).
Piloted flyby planners argued that a piloted flyby mission would be ideal for improving robot probe success rate and data quality. Astronauts could act as caretakers for a varied flock of probes they would release during the flyby. The probes would reach their target planet in tip-top condition. The piloted flyby spacecraft could act as a data relay, improving data rate.
NAA added another argument: that robot probes released during a piloted flyby could be more sophisticated than those launched from Earth. Instruments and experiments could be made more complex (hence more prone to malfunction). Hitching a ride on a piloted spacecraft could also enhance probe flexibility; astronauts could, for example, direct an automated Mars lander to an intriguing site they had discovered through successive observations of increasing resolution made using a telescope on the piloted flyby spacecraft during approach to the planet.
NAA proposed a two-phase piloted flyby program. Phase I would see a piloted Venus flyby spacecraft launched in 1973 on a 415-day mission. During Phase II, which the company emphasized, a piloted Mars flyby spacecraft launched in 1975 would carry out a 700-day mission that would take it past Mars to the inner edge of the Asteroid Belt. In both phases, the piloted flyby spacecraft would comprise a modified CSM, a three-deck Mission Module (MM) containing living and working space for the crew, and a pressurized Probe Compartment (PC) bearing a cargo of automated probes tailored to their destination.
NAA envisioned that NASA would begin work on a formal piloted flyby Program Development Plan in mid-1966 and would award contracts to build the flyby spacecraft, robot probes, Saturn V rockets, and ground facilities with a "go-ahead" date of 1 July 1967. "Any slippage" in the go-ahead date, a "key milestone" in the piloted flyby program, would, NAA declared, "jeopardize the [19]73 and [19]75 launch window opportunities."
NAA envisioned that NASA would begin work on a formal piloted flyby Program Development Plan in mid-1966 and would award contracts to build the flyby spacecraft, robot probes, Saturn V rockets, and ground facilities with a "go-ahead" date of 1 July 1967. "Any slippage" in the go-ahead date, a "key milestone" in the piloted flyby program, would, NAA declared, "jeopardize the [19]73 and [19]75 launch window opportunities."
The company proposed a complex development, manufacture, and test program modeled on the one it was at the time following to build and test the CSM for Apollo lunar missions. Major Phase I milestones would include a test of a Command Module (CM) with a heat shield upgraded for high-speed reentry following a Venus flyby (June 1972), an Earth-orbital test of the complete Venus flyby spacecraft (August 1972), and a test of the Venus flyby spacecraft in solar orbit (December 1972-January 1973).
Phase II milestones would include a test of the more robust Mars flyby CM heat shield and an Earth-orbital test of the Mars flyby spacecraft (December 1973-January 1974). Results from the Venus solar-orbital test could be extrapolated to the Mars flyby spacecraft, so no Mars solar-orbital test would be necessary.
NAA explained that the piloted Venus flyby would require at most two Saturn V launches, so could get by with the twin Complex 39 Saturn V launch pads (Pad 39A and Pad 39B) built for the Apollo lunar program at Kennedy Space Center, Florida. The piloted Mars flyby, on the other hand, might require as many as four Saturn V launches in rapid succession, so NASA would need to build two new Saturn V pads. Pad 39C and Pad 39D would be ready in August 1974.
The Phase I Venus flyby mission would leave Earth orbit on 30 October 1973. The Phase II Mars flyby would depart on 5 September 1975. Only the Mars flyby will be described in detail here, in keeping with NAA's emphasis on Phase II.
NAA assumed that its flyby missions would be boosted from Earth orbit by an S-IIB orbital launch stage (see "More Information," below), a modified version of NAA-built S-II, the second stage of the Apollo Saturn V. The piloted flyby spacecraft and the S-IIB would launch separately on two-stage Saturn V rockets and dock in a 262-nautical-mile-high (485-kilometer-high) assembly orbit.
The Mars flyby S-IIB stage would, if loaded with the necessary propellants, be too heavy for the two-stage Saturn V to deliver to assembly orbit. NAA proposed that the S-IIB be launched with a full load of liquid hydrogen fuel and an empty liquid oxygen tank. One or two Saturn V-launched liquid oxygen tankers would then dock with the S-IIB to fill the oxygen tank in orbit. After the oxygen tank was full, the tanker would withdraw and deorbit itself over a remote ocean area. The Mars flyby spacecraft and S-IIB stage would dock, then the latter would ignite its J-2 engines to begin the journey to Mars.
Citing the many responsibilities of the crew during Mars close passage, NAA argued for a four-person Mars flyby crew. To make room for a fourth astronaut in the Mars flyby mission CM, the center launch-and-reentry couch would be relocated forward of its Apollo CM position, placing it closer to the main display and control console. A new fourth couch would be mounted on the aft interior bulkhead about two feet behind the relocated center couch. The left-hand couch and the right-hand couch would remain in their Apollo CM positions.
NAA reminded its MSC audience that the Mars flyby CSM would be called upon to support its crew for a much shorter period of time than would the Apollo CSM. The flyby crew would reach and depart Earth-orbit on board the flyby CSM, return to Earth in the flyby CM in the event of an abort during the hour immediately after Earth-orbit departure, briefly power up the flyby CSM and fire its center engine during the mission's anticipated eight modest course corrections, and return to Earth's surface in the flyby CM at the end of their mission. The company estimated that the flyby astronauts would inhabit the flyby CM cabin for no more than 72 hours at a stretch, not the 10 or more days of a lunar mission.
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Image credit: NASA/DSFPortree. |
The most obvious external modification to the CSM for NAA's piloted Mars/Venus flyby missions was replacement of the Apollo CSM's single Service Propulsion System (SPS) main engine with three modified Lunar Module (LM) descent engines, each with independent propellant tanks and plumbing. Two half-cone housings added to the sides of the Service Module (SM) would provide room for the two outboard engines.
Any single flyby CSM engine could perform all necessary flyby mission maneuvers, NAA declared. If all three rocket engines remained functional throughout the flyby mission, however, the middle engine would be used to perform course corrections and the two outboard engines would together carry out the retro burn at the end of the Mars or Venus flyby mission.
An abort at the start of the Earth-Mars transfer, during the hour following Earth-orbit departure, would burn propellants which would, in a successful mission, be used to perform course corrections and to slow the Mars flyby CSM ahead of Earth-atmosphere reentry. The abort burn would expend nearly all of the Mars flyby CSM's propellants.
Assuming that no abort were necessary, the flyby astronauts would cast off a cylindrical two-part adapter linking their CSM to the top of the MM. They would then move the CSM away using reaction control thrusters, turn the CSM end for end to face the MM, and dock with an Apollo-type drogue docking unit on top of the MM. The crew would then shut down the CSM and transfer to the 5600-cubic-foot MM, their home for the next 700 days.
The MM drogue unit would be inset within a housing that would, after docking, encase the conical CM. If NASA opted for a weightless environment for its piloted flyby crews, the housing would shield the CM from meteoroid damage. If, on the other hand, NASA opted for an artificial-gravity environment, the housing would be split into two parts. The upper part would latch onto the sides of the CM below its windows; the lower part, firmly attached to the MM, would contain cable reels.
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Transition from zero-gravity configuration to artificial-gravity configuration. Image credit: North American Aviation/NASA. |
The crew in the MM would spin up the piloted flyby spacecraft using thrusters in the PC. After a gentle nudge from the thrusters, they would unlatch connectors linking the upper and lower parts of the housing and begin to pay out the cables. The CSM, linked to the cables by the "collar" formed by the upper housing, would move away from the MM/PC combination. This would slow the rate of spin about the flyby spacecraft center of gravity, which would in turn reduce tension in the cables, raising the possibility of tangling.
The crew would, however, continue to fire the thrusters in brief bursts, slowly increasing the spin rate and keeping cable tension constant. When the cables reached full extension, the CSM and MM/PC would be 158 feet (48.1 meters) apart, completing four rotations per minute. This would provide the crew in the MM with acceleration that they would feel as gravity roughly equal to the pull of gravity on Mars (0.4 G). Providing the crew with Mars-level gravity complemented the flyby mission biomedical research program; data on human response to Mars-level gravity would clear the way for long stays on the surface of Mars in the 1980s.
The piloted Mars flyby spacecraft would spin for 660 days of its 700-day voyage. The 40-day non-spinning period would include course-correction rocket burns using the center CSM engine at 73 days, 139 days, 260 days, 472 days, and 550 days, plus an unspecified period surrounding the Mars flyby on 2 February 1976, 150 days into the mission, during which spin would be stopped to facilitate Mars observations and release of robot probes. Spin-down would require a reversal of the spin-up process; the crew would activate the cable reels to slowly retract the CSM while burst-firing thrusters in the PC to decrease the spin rate gradually.
After spin-down and spin-up, the flyby crew would need to reorient their main communications link with Earth, the 13.1-foot-diameter (4-meter-diameter) high-gain dish antenna mounted on a boom on the PC. The high-gain was designed to spin at four rotations per minute in the direction opposite the piloted flyby spacecraft's spin, enabling it to maintain a constant lock on Earth. During periods when the flyby spacecraft did not spin, the high-gain rotation motors would make slight adjustments to its orientation to maintain a steady lock on Earth.
NAA determined that using the CSM as an artificial-gravity counterweight created an opportunity. The company proposed that the CM include a compact 1370-pound (620-kilogram) plutonium-fueled mercury-rankine isotopic power system capable of generating four kilowatts of continuous electricity for the flyby CSM, the MM, and the PC. If it was to be ready in time for the 1975 Mars flyby mission, NAA estimated, development of the isotopic system would need to start in July 1965 — that is, less than two weeks after the company briefed NASA MSC.
Putting the isotopic system in the Mars flyby CM would place it at a distance from the crew throughout most of the mission, so would expose them to a negligible radiation dose. Special-purpose shielding and water for evaporative cooling of the isotopic system after CM separation from the SM just before Earth atmosphere reentry would shield the flyby astronauts from radiation while they were inside the CM. NAA was confident that the Mars flyby crew would receive an acceptably low cumulative radiation dose from the isotopic system during the brief time they rode in the Mars flyby CM.
Umbilical hoses would link the isotopic system in the flyby CM to redundant radiator panels on the SM's hull. Liquid metal (potassium-sodium) coolant would flow through the isotopic system, hoses, and radiator panels in a continuous loop. NAA envisioned using the same cooling loops for CSM life support system cooling.
NAA's chief justification for reliance on an isotopic source had to do with the Mars flyby mission's maximum distance from the Sun. The spacecraft would race past Mars on a low-energy path that would take it to the inner edge of the Asteroid Belt, more than 200 million miles (320 million kilometers) from the Sun. It would then fall back toward the Sun and intersect Earth. The solar arrays required to generate four kilowatts of electricity continuously at that distance would be prohibitively large and heavy. Their extent would make them prime targets for marauding meteoroids, which were expected to become a significant hazard as the spacecraft skirted the Asteroid Belt.
The Venus flyby spacecraft, by contrast, could rely on an ample solar energy supply and, it was expected, would contend with a meteoroid population less dense than found at Earth. NAA assumed that a 525-pound (240-kilogram) solar-cell power system would be adequate to power the Venus flyby spacecraft.
The four-segment SLA, the NAA-built adapter that linked the Apollo CSM to the top of the Apollo Saturn V S-IVB third stage, would form the structural basis for the piloted flyby MM, the crew's home and workplace during interplanetary travel. NAA did not design an MM specifically for its piloted flyby study. Instead, it tapped the Apollo Orbital Research Laboratory, a 1962-1963 NAA concept for a small space station based on the SLA structure.
The tapered MM would include three decks with a total of 800 cubic feet (22.65 cubic meters) of open space per crewmember. The top deck, smallest of the three, would include at its center a crew transfer tunnel, which would lead from the drogue docking unit atop the MM to the ceiling of the middle deck. Liquid oxygen and liquid nitrogen tanks would surround the upper part of the transfer tunnel just above the top deck ceiling. The top deck, accessible through an opening in the side of the tunnel, would contain sleeping, medical, and hygiene facilities, as well as life support equipment and a large tank of high-pressure gaseous oxygen.
NAA described its MM life support system in some detail. During the first year of the 700-day Mars flyby mission, the crew would breath oxygen and nitrogen stored in dense, super-cold liquid form; they would then switch to oxygen stored as gas. The large tank on the top level of the MM could completely pressurize the module six times over the course of the mission; this might become necessary to flush out built-up trace gases outgassed from furnishings and produced during soldering, food preparation, and other processes.
The crew would take in oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. NAA proposed to split the carbon dioxide to recover oxygen using the Bosch reaction, which uses hydrogen and produces carbon and water. The water would then be electrolyzed to yield hydrogen and oxygen. NAA calculated that, assuming 10 pounds of air leakage per day, the piloted Mars flyby mission would need to carry a total of 11,035 pounds (5005 kilograms) of oxygen.
Ladder rungs in the transfer tunnel would continue as a ladder on the middle deck, the crew's main living area. The middle deck would include the galley, multipurpose table, equipment for making repairs and performing data reduction, and portholes with provisions for securely mounting cameras and other instruments.
The bottom deck, widest of the three, was probably the most interesting. It would contain a centrifuge for subjecting astronauts to acceleration equal to the pull of gravity on Earth. The centrifuge would include two seats and two storage cabinets which between them would hold more than 900 pounds of Mars flyby spacecraft spare parts. The cabinets would serve as counterweights, stabilizing the centrifuge.
The centrifuge would spin around the "storm cellar" shelter/control center, a 600-cubic-foot (17-cubic-meter) bell-shaped compartment that could be sealed off from the rest of the flyby spacecraft. It could support the four-person crew for up to four days without resupply, allowing them to safely ride out solar flares. To save weight, the shelter/control center would contain little special-purpose radiation shielding, relying instead on its central location on the flyby spacecraft's widest deck and the bulk of equipment — centrifuge, spare parts cabinets, and control consoles for operating MM/PC systems — surrounding it.
NAA described a regular day in the Mars flyby crew's voyage. The crew would sleep for six hours, work for eight hours, grab a 1.5-hour nap, then work again for 8.5 hours. Work periods would be interspersed with four 20-minute periods set aside for eating and 50 minutes total for personal hygiene. The company expected that on average each crewmember would spend about 6.5 hours per day on MM and probe maintenance, and 2.5 hours per day advancing the flyby mission science program.
Exercise would count toward work time: in the hope of counteracting the effects of life in Mars gravity, NAA scheduled 1 hour of light exercise, 30 minutes of medium exercise for biomedical monitoring, and 30 minutes of heavy exercise. Crewmembers would spend one hour per day riding the centrifuge.
A hatch in the middle of the shelter/control center floor would lead to a crew transfer tunnel. The tunnel would in turn lead to the PC, which would contain 15 probes of six types with a combined weight of between 6000 and 12,000 pounds (2720 and 5440 kilograms), telescoping launchers, and tanks of "sterilization gas" of unspecified composition for killing Earth microbes ahead of probe launch.
The PC would include a pair of probe maintenance stations which would between them feature a folding work bench, displays for monitoring probe health, and 94 cubic feet of storage including 65 cubic feet of probe spare parts storage. In addition, it would carry spherical tanks containing unspecified propellants for the two Mars orbiters.
The orbiters, designated the Orbiting Environment Monitor (OEM) and the Orbiting Astronomical (OAT) probe, would be the first of the carefully tended probes to be launched. Each would include a two-stage propulsion system. The first stage was intended to deliver the probe to Mars ahead of the piloted flyby spacecraft; the second would slow it so that the planet's gravity could capture it into Mars orbit.
Minus their two rocket stages, they would take the form of 60-inch-by-125-inch (152-centimeter-by-318-centimeter) drums. The OEM would weigh 3900 pounds (1770 kilograms) and the OAT, 4390 pounds (1990 kilograms). Each would include an extendable solar array/instrument platform mounted on pivoting arms. They were expected to operate independent of the piloted flyby spacecraft for up to 180 days. In addition to gathering data using their own instruments, they would relay data from two Soft-Lander Probes (SLPs) on Mars.
Probes meant to enter the martian atmosphere would all have "blunt" shapes; NAA hoped that this would cause them to decelerate rapidly in the upper martian atmosphere, allowing them to descend slowly toward the surface, gathering data for as long as they could. Most would be shaped like the Apollo CM. Five Parachuted Atmosphere Probes (PAPs) were the exception; each would take the form of a 24-inch (61-centimeter), 160-pound (72.6-kilogram) sphere.
The PAPs were intended to operate for just 200 seconds before they crashed into the surface of Mars. Only the six Hard-Landing Probes (HLPs) had shorter planned useful lives; each 47-inch (120-centimeter), 150-pound (68-kilogram) HLP would return data for just 100 seconds.
SLP 1 was the largest lander; it was it would measure 12.8 feet (3.9 meters) in diameter and would weigh 1870 pounds (848 kilograms). Meant to operate for 180 days, it would carry a variety of scientific instruments, including an Automated Biological Laboratory (ABL). The ABL would, as its name implies, gather samples of its surroundings to seek out biology.
In 1964-1965, many scientists expected to find microbial life on Mars; not a few anticipated that higher forms, perhaps resembling moss, lichen, or even lithops ("living stones") or cacti, might occur. A few scientists — possibly not the greatest logicians in the scientific community — expected that plants naturally meant that animals should exist to eat them. The ABL, which was proposed in many forms in the early 1960s, would carry a complex payload of life-detection instruments intended to anticipate all of these possibilities.
SLP 2 would be less that half as heavy as SLP 1 (just 840 pounds/381 kilograms), yet would encompass within its 9.3-foot (2.85-meter) diameter a variety of intriguing (and poorly described) subprobes. These would include three "projectile" probes, three balloon probes, and a "TV probe."
In addition to the probes, the PC would carry mounted on its exterior a 40-inch (one-meter) telescope and a rear-pointing magnetometer boom. The telescope, which would be used for many planetary science and astronomy objectives during the 700-day mission, could be steered and slewed to track on Mars during the flyby. This would avoid photographic image smearing. NAA envisioned equipping the telescope with folding, steerable mirrors to expand its field of view during the flyby, enabling it to track on the surface below the speeding spacecraft and on the horizon simultaneously.
NAA listed 28 Mars flyby mission primary science and engineering objectives, most of which aimed to prepare the way for more advanced piloted Mars missions in the 1980s. Scientific exploration was, of course, not to be neglected during the flyby mission, but the company took pains to stress that science would not become the chief mission emphasis until NASA conducted orbiter and landing missions.
On 2 February 1976, 150 days after Earth departure, NAA's piloted Mars flyby spacecraft would reach its target. The company's representatives told MSC managers that the 32 hours surrounding "periplanet" — as it called closest approach to the surface of Mars — would be the mission's "pay-off phase."
The top-priority objective would be to collect photographic data required to make detailed Mars maps. The crew would observe and photograph Mars using the telescope and a 35-mm film camera with a "turret" of different lenses mounted on a flyby spacecraft porthole.
Mars maps in 1965 included few surface features beyond the largest light and dark areas. They were largely based on photographic plates taken from Earth using large telescopes and sketches made by astronomers peering through telescope eyepieces. Most still contained at least a hint of the "canals" first noted by Giovanni Schiaparelli in 1877 and popularized by Percival Lowell beginning in the 1890s.
The crew would monitor and take data from the robot probes, which they would release at carefully determined times to ensure that they would reach targets selected on the basis of telescope observations made during approach to the planet. Radio signals from the probes would be received through an antenna attached to the flyby CSM in place of the Apollo CSM's four-dish high-gain antenna.
The crew would, as might be expected, alter their regular daily schedule during the flyby. Sleep would be reduced by 1.5 hours per crewmember per day, eating time would be cut in half, and exercise and biomedical monitoring would be eliminated. NAA allotted 4.5 hours per crewmember for probe monitoring, two hours for non-probe science using the telescope and 35-mm camera, and three hours for "unscheduled" observations (The company suggested, for example, that the astronauts might wish to sketch what they saw on Mars).
NAA plotted the ground track the flyby spacecraft would follow from 24.8 hours (one martian day) before periplanet to 24.8 hours after periplanet. At the start of that period, an entire martian hemisphere would be in view centered on the nondescript light-colored region Aethiopis, about 10° north of the equator. The ground track would then run westward, passing over dark-colored Syrtis Major and light-colored Aeria.
At 18.6 hours before periplanet, the flyby spacecraft would enter the martian "sphere of influence" and would begin to accelerate under the pull of martian gravity. Between that time and 12 hours before periplanet, it would pass over the light-colored regions Eden, Chryse, and Xanthe, north of dark-hued Sabaeus Sinus, Meridiani Sinus, and Margaritifer Sinus.
Twelve hours before periplanet, the ground track would pass through little-hued Candor. By that time, the flyby spacecraft would be close enough to Mars that the field of view outside the portholes would take in a region between about 55° north and 35° south latitude and from 30° west to 140° west longitude.
With the flyby spacecraft moving ever faster, the ground track would sweep west over light-hued Tharsis and Amazonis south of the enigmatic bright spot Nix Olympica. Six hours ahead of periplanet, the field of view would take in Amazonis between 30° north and 10° south latitude. Features a kilometer across would become readily visible through the telescope.
In the last three hours before periplanet, the ground track would sweep south of mysterious Elysium. On Mars maps available in 1965, Elysium was a light-hued pentagon bounded by five diffuse canals.
Finally, the track would turn northwest and sweep across light-colored Arabia. Elevated features on Mars would by then show west-pointing shadows; the piloted flyby spacecraft would race toward night, and behind it the Sun would sink rapidly toward the planet's limb.
Minutes before periplanet, with the ground track passing just south of Cydonia, the Sun would set. Periplanet would take place in faint twilight, with the surface cloaked in blackness, at an altitude of 189 miles (305 kilometers). The piloted flyby spacecraft would then begin to move away from Mars.
The crew would use the flyby CSM center engine to perform a small course correction immediately after periplanet. The maneuver would compensate for the effects on the spacecraft's course of any irregularities in the martian gravitational field. Performing the correction close to Mars would reduce the quantity of propellants required to carry it out.
Some of the Mars feature names mentioned above will sound familiar, for many were preserved, sometimes in slightly altered form, after U.S. robotic spacecraft mapped Mars. Candor, for example, lent its name to a section of Valles Marineris, the great equatorial rift and canyon system imaged by the Mariner 9 orbiter in 1971-1972. Meridiani Sinus was renamed Terra Meridiani; it became the landing area for the Opportunity rover in 2004. Chryse is now Chryse Planitia; the Viking 1 lander performed the first successful Mars soft-landing there on 20 July 1976. The name Tharsis was applied to a vast volcanic bulge atop which rise four shield volcanoes; one of these, Olympus Mons, is the largest volcano known in the Solar System.
All of these surface features would be visible to the four astronauts during the Mars flyby. NAA assumed that only robotic precursors of minimal capability would precede them to Mars, so they would become the first humans to glimpse its wonders.
NAA compared its piloted flyby with planned robotic Mars missions. The company told NASA MSC managers that the Voyager probe proposed for launch in 1975 (not to be confused with Voyager outer planets probes launched in 1978-1979) would transmit data at a rate of between 100 and 350 bits per second. The piloted flyby mission, in stark contrast, would return 2000 bits per second and would deliver rolls and cassettes of high-resolution film to cartographers and researchers on Earth. NAA declared that its analysis had shown that "types, ranges, accuracies, and quantities of data obtained [by a piloted Mars flyby mission] should exceed (by orders of magnitude in some cases) that which could be returned to Earth with equivalent instruments on unmanned systems."
With Mars flyby activities tapering off, the crew would return to their regular daily schedule and commence the 550-day voyage home. They would begin Mars data analysis and, as they skirted the Asteroid Belt, observe any nearby asteroids using their telescope.
The crew would also pay close attention to the health of their spacecraft's systems during the long trip home. They would have at hand tools and carefully selected spares to perform repairs. These would be available in part as a result of the two-month study of piloted Mars flyby spacecraft systems reliability NASA MSC added to NAA's original study task.
The company estimated that 57% of piloted Mars flyby spacecraft subsystems — which included life support, power, propulsion, guidance, communications, and data handling — could be provided by 164 hardware "assemblies" designed for Apollo lunar missions. Another 22% (63 assemblies) could take the form of modified Apollo hardware, and 15% (44 assembles) could comprise hardware borrowed from other programs, such as the U.S. Air Force Manned Orbiting Laboratory.
This meant that 94% of piloted Mars flyby hardware would have a test record and failure history by the time the piloted Mars flyby mission left Earth in 1975 even if the Phase I Venus flyby did not fly in 1973. The remaining 6% (just 17 assemblies) would require new development and testing.
Based on existing Apollo reliability predictions, NAA calculated that from six to 85 failures would occur during the 1975 piloted Mars flyby mission. Most would occur in subsystems that could be repaired or replaced by the crew. Those assemblies that could not be repaired or replaced — for example, the large thermal radiator on the outside of the MM — could be modified during the design phase to avoid failure or backed up by a redundant system.
NAA became concerned that some subsystems would take so long to repair that the crew could be harmed by the malfunction before they could finish. Analysis showed, however, that no repair time would exceed allowed downtime. A failed cabin heat control system, for example, could be repaired in an hour but would need from eight to 24 hrs to create a problem sufficiently serious that it would harm the crew.
The company found that up to 185 spares weighing about 900 pounds would be required as insurance against all possible failures. Of course, very few were likely to be used. Repair time spread over the mission would amount to only about 15 minutes per day.
Return to Earth would occur on 5 August 1977. As Earth grew large outside the portholes, the flyby spacecraft crew would prepare to abandon their home of 700 days. They would reel in the CSM for the last time and load it with film and other data. About two hours before planned reentry they would separate the CSM from the drogue docking unit and the artificial-gravity collar on the MM and back away.
The crew would orient the Mars flyby CSM so its three engines pointed in its direction of travel and, 30 minutes before planned reentry, would ignite the two outboard engines. Flyby mission Earth-return speed would depend on many factors: for example, a close Mars flyby typically would mean a fast Earth-atmosphere reentry.
The Apollo CM was designed to reentry Earth's atmosphere at 36,000 feet (10,970 meters) per second. NAA told MSC that the CM's bowl-shaped heat shield could, in theory, be beefed up to withstand reentry at 52,000 feet (15,850 meters) per second. The company argued, however, that "engineering conservatism" made such high-speed reentries unattractive. Hence the retro burn, which would slash reentry velocity to no more than 45,000 (13,715 meters) feet per second. NAA told NASA MSC that the Apollo CM heat shield would need only modest modifications to withstand reentry at that velocity.
NAA reported that, at launch from Earth, the Apollo CSM would have a mass of 57,690 pounds (26,170 kilograms). Hypergolic (ignite-on-contact) Hydrazine/nitrogen tetroxide propellants would account for 37,360 pounds (16,950 kilograms) of that total. The hefty Mars flyby CSM would have a mass of 73,080 pounds (33,150 kilograms) of which 44,770 pounds (20,310 kilograms) would constitute propellants for course corrections and the reentry retro burn.
During the retro burn, the outboard engines would fire for up to 29 minutes to slow the flyby CSM. The flyby SM would then separate, exposing the CM's modestly uprated heat shield and depriving the isotopic power system of its heat radiators (it would switch to its temporary water boil-off cooling system). During passage through Earth's atmosphere, the heat shield might attain a temperature of 5000° F (2760° C).
NAA anticipated that the Mars flyby CM would parachute to a land landing. Modifications to the shock absorbers in the crew couches would protect the astronauts from injury as the CM bumped to a stop on Earth. Soon after landing, the isotopic power system would boil off the last of its cooling water; hence, linking it to an ground-supplied auxiliary cooling system would be assigned nearly as high a priority as removing the astronauts from the CM.
Near the end of its study, as it firmed up its spacecraft weight estimates, NAA determined that a single three-stage Saturn V, virtually identical to that used to launch Apollo lunar missions, could launch its Venus flyby spacecraft directly to Venus. The Saturn V S-IVB third stage would do the job of the S-IIB orbital launch stage. This led the company to reexamine its Mars flyby Earth-orbital launch scheme.
The company found that the heavier Mars flyby spacecraft could not launch directly onto its Mars flyby path if it were launched on a single three-stage Saturn V. It proposed instead that the Mars flyby spacecraft be split into two payloads — the CSM bearing the crew and the MC/PC combination — and that they be launched on a pair of three-stage Saturn Vs. CSM and MC/PC would then rendezvous and dock "in transit" soon after their S-IVBs placed them on course for Mars.
The CSM would play the active role in the in-transit rendezvous. As Earth shrank behind it, its crew would separate the spacecraft from the S-IVB third stage that boosted it toward Mars, rendezvous and dock the MM/PC combination, and detach it from its S-IVB. After it moved a safe distance away, piloted flyby spacecraft instrument and antenna deployment and artificial-gravity spin-up could begin.
NAA provided a cost estimate for its 1973 Phase I Venus and 1975 Phase II Mars piloted flyby missions. The Venus mission would cost $2,301,700,000 between the 1 July 1967 contract go-ahead date and return to Earth on 19 December 1974. The Mars flyby without the Venus flyby would cost $3,439,500,000.
NAA representatives told MSC managers that its study had demonstrated that "existing and currently programmed hardware and facilities and systems contemplated for other NASA space flight programs can be used to achieve early Mars and/or Venus flyby missions." The company declared that "[f]ailure to take timely advantage of this opportunity could result in a delay in the achievement of advanced [orbital] and/or landing missions to Mars until the next century."
"One-Year Exploration Trip Earth-Mars-Venus-Earth," G. Crocco; paper presented at the 7th International Astronautical Federation Congress in Rome, Italy, 1-7 September 1956.
"Laboratory in Space," M. Yarymovych, NASA Headquarters; paper presented at the First Space Congress in Cocoa Beach, Florida, 20-22 April 1964.
"Future Effort to Stress Apollo Hardware," Aviation Week & Space Technology, 16 November 1964, pp. 48-51.
"An Evolutionary Program for Manned Interplanetary Exploration," M. W. Jack Bell; paper presented at the AIAA/AAS Stepping Stones to Mars Meeting in Baltimore, Maryland, 28-30 March 1966.
Manned Mars and/or Venus Flyby Vehicles Systems Study Final Briefing Brochure, SID 65-761-6, North American Aviation, Inc., 18 June 1965.
Manned Mars and/or Venus Flyby Vehicles Systems Study Final Briefing Brochure, SID 65-761-6, North American Aviation, Inc., 18 June 1965.
More Information
EMPIRE Building: Ford Aeronutronic's 1962 Plan for Piloted Mars/Venus Flybys
After EMPIRE: Using Apollo Technology to Explore Mars and Venus (1965)
The First Voyager (1967)
Flyby's Last Gasp: North American Rockwell's S-IIB Interplanetary Booster (1968)
Flyby's Last Gasp: North American Rockwell's S-IIB Interplanetary Booster (1968)
Would a flyby mission still make sense today? Say using the SLS and a derivative of Gateway?
ReplyDeleteI don't think it would make sense to release probes. It might make sense to think of the flyby spacecraft as a space station that goes somewhere — as you imply, I think! If one is trying to creep up on a Mars mission — say, if annual funding is not sufficient to carry out a Mars landing mission on a reasonable timeline — a free-return piloted flyby might be a good interim mission for keeping people interested. I suspect there could be other justifications. It's hard to say what the future might bring, so it's good to keep options open. dsfp
DeleteIf I were on that crew the thought of those cable reels failing would keep me up at night. The ride home is at the other end of those cables...
ReplyDeleteThe need to imm4ediately start cooling the isotropic power source after landing is problematic. What if the CM lands off-target? Granted the chances of that are very small, but not zero.
I know, right? I didn't want to comment on the use of the CSM as a counterweight in the post - wanted to see if folks like yourself had some thoughts on it. Incidentally, as best I can tell, an artificial-gravity spin-up/spin-down test was not part of the development and test program. Imagine if a spin-down thruster jammed on during CSM retraction. Instant spaghetti! dsfp
DeleteSpeaking of artificial gravity solutions, I wonder if anyone has ever written a paper/article about the various proposed solutions and their effect on mission planning, i.e. mission 'X' would have been more feasible or taken more seriously had it not been for the penalty in launch mass imposed by the artificial gravity solution. I'd note that space station design and planning didn't get serious until the designers decided that they were willing to let the crews reside in zero g.
DeleteInstead of cold-gas, monopropellant, or bipropellant thrusters (or perhaps as a back-up to any of these), heliogyro solar sail blades (or E-sail [electric sail]) wires could be deployed from each spinning spacecraft component, enabling precise control of the spin rate during pay-out and reel-in of the cables. The heliogyro solar sail blades could utilize variable blade pitch (or electrically-variable-albedo panels in fixed-pitch blades [JAXA's IKAROS Venus flyby solar sail used such panels, to alter its spin axis]), while E-sail wires, if used, would employ individually-variable charge levels to control the spin rate, and:
DeleteToday's existing Falcon 9/Falcon Heavy/Crew Dragon hardware, and Bigelow Aerospace's expandable space station & lunar/Mars/asteroid surface habitation modules (a private Venus flyby mission project utilizing a Dragon spacecraft docked to a Bigelow hab module was proposed not more than three to five years ago), could be used for EMPIRE-like round-trip flyby missions to Venus or Mars (or to ^both^ planets in one flight, as Arthur C. Clarke pointed out--for a December 1978 launch window, for one of the 1967 BellComm Apollo/Saturn-based mission proposals--in his 1968 book "The Promise of Space" [Walter B. Hendrickson’s 1975 book “Manned Spacecraft to Mars and Venus: How They Work” also covered how visits to Mercury--in "Bikini Missions," as they're called--could also be worked into Venus missions]). Also:
Such interplanetary, "space station missions that actually go somewhere," would be worth flying today, for at least three reasons:
[1] Breaking the psychological barrier--there is still fear within NASA that crews might die way out there, but just as Apollo 8 (which many old NASA hands still look back on as the most exciting, because it was the first manned mission to actually visit another world) made landing on the Moon a realistic proposition, manned planetary flybys would make orbital stays and landing missions realistic propositions, no longer merely theoretical possibilities;
[2] For life searches (on Mars, in Venus' atmosphere [re: the recent albedo changes and phosphine detection], and even in indirectly-sunlit edge areas of Mercury's normally-shadowed polar craters' ice), human-tended probes are still a good idea. Biology experiments such as the Multivator, Gulliver, and the Wolf Trap would be easier and cheaper to integrate into landers and/or rovers (which could be controlled and monitored directly from Earth for years afterward) if their nutrients were loaded, just prior to release, by scientist-astronauts (onboard ethylene gas sterilization could be conducted, in the flyby spaceship's "probe garage," as the last procedure before probe launch). Sample return spacecraft could also be landed from, and return surface and/or atmosphere samples to, the flyby spaceship, which would return them to Earth, and:
[3] Before and after the planetary flyby (and between flybys, in multi-planet flyby missions), all sorts of biomedical, astronomical, and other scientific observations and experiments could be conducted, especially ones made advantageous by the flyby spaceship's interplanetary location. Actual samples of interplanetary meteoric material could be collected in aerogel cassettes or trays, so that actual size vs. population statistics could be determined via direct measurements in Earthside laboratories. VLBI (Very Long Baseline Interferometry) astronomical measurements could also be conducted, as could a more precise determination of the Astronomical Unit (the AU), among many other things.
-- James *Jason* Wentworth
There would not be very much time for the astronauts to be 'human tending' in a manner that would seriously improve over navigation from Earth.
DeleteIt's not NASA's that's so much worried about losing people, it's the public. Search up Apollo 1 and Apollo Applications on this blog to see how much of an impact Apollo 1 alone had on the space program.
Solar Sails are not capable of providing meaningful Delta V to manned spacecraft with current technology.
Using the CSM as a counterweight is an odd choice to be sure. A better (read: safer) option would be to use the SIIb as the counterweight, but the tradeoff would be extra mass and therefore more propellant needed for any engine burns and you'd still have the isotropic generator sitting in the CM, fairly close to the crew for 700 days.
DeleteI suspect that they'd have dumped the isotopic generator. There's discussion in other piloted flyby documents of flying a meteoroid-detector spacecraft akin to the Pegasus satellites out to the edge of the Asteroid Belt ahead of the piloted flyby mission. If they'd done that, and believed the data it returned, they'd not have worried so much about meteoroids. That might have tipped the balance toward a solar power system, which is what all the other Apollo-derived piloted flyby studies opted for. Use of the isotopic source is a major peculiarity of this proposal.
If they needed to add fuel in Earth orbit, they might as well get a truss structure up there and have it bolted between the CSM and the rest. It might not be as lightweight but would have been much eafer and easier to build.
DeleteIn the next round of piloted flyby planning they abandoned artificial-G. Incidentally, the 75-foot spin radius was probably not sufficient to avoid some unhealthy effects — astronauts would have felt a difference in G between their feet and their heads, for example.
"CSM and MC/PC would then rendezvous and dock "in transit" soon after their S-IVBs placed them on course for Mars."
ReplyDeleteI would be very, very nervous about messing up that docking.
Hi HB,
DeleteThere would have been 44,000 lbs of propellant in the Service Module at the start of the mission. I imagine that if the docking failed a propulsive abort would be possible that early in the trajectory. You might even be able to stretch the fuel supply by using the Oberth effect during either an Earth or lunar flyby.
But yeah, I'd hate to see that docking go wrong.
Abort could take place during the first hour after trans-Mars injection. After that, it'd be too late - the CSM could not return to Earth in a survivable period of time. To be honest, though, I don't think that NAA devoted a lot of attention to the abort. Bellcomm would delve into it more during 1966 studies. dsfp
ReplyDeleteIt's a bit like the Apollo mission, which sees the CSM retrieve the LM from the top of the S-SIVB in transit to the Moon. That being said, if the CSM could not dock with the LM then the crew could use CSM propulsion to get onto a free-return trajectory, swing around the Moon, and return to Earth. The piloted flyby crew could not survive in their CSM for more than a couple of weeks at the start of the 700-day Mars flyby voyage if they could not dock with the MM.
I really feel like a newbie to space history now. I'll bookmark this and learn from you about the space. This is like a bible.